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Content structure

To ensure that the most important information is read first, organize content in technical documentation according to the inverted pyramid structure. This presents information in descending order of importance so that the most important ideas and statements are located at the beginning of the page.

The main benefits of following this structure are:

  • Readers can quickly and easily find the core information they need.
  • It allows for readers to skim information.
  • Readers can stop reading at any point and still come away with the main idea.
  • It helps with SEO as the keywords are included in the first paragraph, helping search results.
  • It ensures your content is logically structured.

When planning the structure of a new topic, follow the next principles:

  1. The heading should be a summary of the topic and contain its keywords.
  2. Highlight essential details that users must know before they proceed to other information in the article. Include the most important keywords at the beginning.
  3. Outline secondary information, prioritizing the information that is most likely to be of interest to the broadest audience.
  4. Use headings and subheadings to organize the article into sections. Split information into short paragraphs and lists.