Navigating Behavior Analytics
At the top of the Behavior Analytics application UI is a header bar with the following navigation items:
Entity Analysis
Quick Search
Content Manager
Each of these navigation items is described below.
The Overview dashboard is a high-level summary of the entities in your organization. It displays counts of recently tracked entities, signals and alerts. It also displays dynamically generated Top 10 lists of entities with the highest risk scores. Clicking on any one of the entity names in these lists will navigate the end-user to the details page for that selected entity. Overview is a useful landing page for an open-ended review rather than a targeted investigation of a particular known entity.
Entity Analysis
The Entity Analysis page enables the end-user to browse the list of entities tracked while applying ad-hoc filters and sorting. As in the Overview dashboard, clicking on any one of the entity names will navigate the end-user to the details page for that selected entity. Entity Analysis is useful for end-users who wish to search beyond the auto-generated lists of the Overview dashboard.
Quick Search
If the Behavior Analytics end-user already knows the name (or part of the name) of the entity they wish to investigate, they may simply enter the name (or part of the name) in the search box near the top-right corner of the page, and then click on a search result to navigate to the details page for the clicked entity.
Content Manager
The Content Manager is where most Behavior Analytics configuration is done. Within Content Manager are sub-sections for configuring Behavior Models, Alert Risk Scores, Risk Based Alerts, the Notable Entities list, and custom Entity Risk Groups.
If the Behavior Analytics end-user has admin privileges, a “gear” icon will appear near the right end of the header bar. Click this icon to open the Behavior Analytics Settings modal. This modal enables the end-user to provide the credentials which enable Behavior Analytics to read from and write to your Devo data tables.