Tags beginning with firewall.velocloud
identify events generated by VeloCloud.
Tag structure
The full tag must have 3 levels. The first two are fixed as firewall.velocloud
. The third level identifies the type of events sent.
Product / Service | Tags | Data tables |
VeloCloud Firewall |
How is the data sent to Devo?
The data may be sent with a relay. Example relay rule:
Source message:
Source data:
Source tag:
Target tag: firewall.velocloud.traffic
Sent without syslog tag: false
Stop processing: true
Table structure
These are the fields displayed in this table:
Field | Type | Field transformation | Source field name | Extra fields |
eventdate |
host |
| vhost |
sid |
sessionID |
| id |
segmentObjectId |
ruleLogicalId |
interface |
protocol |
srcIp |
| sourceIp |
srcPort |
| sourcePort |
dstIp |
| destIp |
dstPort |
| destPort |
dest_name |
| sdwanDestination |
action |
application |
durationSecs |
bytesSent |
bytesReceived |
reason |
nat_src |
nat_spt |
svlan |
dvlan |
dstDomain |
fwPolicyName |
eventName |
| (isnull(action) ? "null" : action) + "_" + (isnull(protocol) ? "null" : protocol) + "_" + (isnull(reason) ? "null" : reason) | reason protocol action |
hostchain |
| ✓ |
tag |
| ✓ |
rawMessage |