The tags beginning with av.sentinelone
identify events generated by antivirus products belonging to SentinelOne.
Valid tags and data tables
The full tag must have 3 levels. The first two are fixed as av.sentinelone
. The third level identifies the type of events sent.
These are the valid tags and corresponding data tables that will receive the parsers' data:
Product / Service | Tags | Data tables |
SentinelOne Endpoint Protection Platform (EPP) |
For more information, read more About Devo tags.
Table structure
These are the fields displayed in these tables:
Field | Type | Field transformation | Source field name | Extra fields |
eventdate |
timestamp |
| event_time |
agent_info_id |
agent_info_uuid |
agent_info_network_status |
agent_info_is_pending_uninstall |
agent_info_last_active_date |
agent_info_agent_version |
agent_info_registered_at |
agent_info_last_logged_in_user_name |
agent_info_encrypted_applications |
agent_info_hardware_information_total_memory |
agent_info_hardware_information_cpu_count |
agent_info_hardware_information_cpu_id |
agent_info_hardware_information_machine_type |
agent_info_hardware_information_model_name |
agent_info_hardware_information_core_count |
agent_info_software_information_os_start_time |
| parsedate(agent_info_software_information_os_start_time__tmp, dateformat("YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ")) | agent_info_software_information_os_start_time__tmp |
agent_info_software_information_os_revision |
agent_info_software_information_os_type |
agent_info_software_information_os_name |
agent_info_software_information_os_arch |
agent_info_is_uninstalled |
agent_info_users |
agent_info_is_active |
agent_info_meta_data_created_at |
agent_info_meta_data_updated_at |
agent_info_configuration_research_data |
agent_info_configuration_mitigation_mode |
agent_info_configuration_mitigation_mode_suspicious |
agent_info_configuration_auto_mitigation_actions |
agent_info_configuration_learning_mode |
agent_info_group_id |
agent_info_user_actions_needed |
agent_info_assets |
agent_info_external_ip |
agent_info_is_up_to_date |
agent_info_group_ip |
agent_info_network_information_domain |
agent_info_network_information_computer_name |
agent_info_network_information_interfaces_name_str |
| join(agent_info_network_information_interfaces_name, ",") | agent_info_network_information_interfaces_name |
agent_info_network_information_interfaces_physical_str |
| join(agent_info_network_information_interfaces_physical, ",") | agent_info_network_information_interfaces_physical |
agent_info_network_information_interfaces_inet_str |
| agent_info_network_information_interfaces_inet |
| |
agent_info_network_information_interfaces_inet6_str |
| agent_info_network_information_interfaces_inet6 |
| |
agent_info_threat_count |
agent_info_scan_status_status |
agent_info_scan_status_aborted_at |
agent_info_scan_status_started_at |
agent_info_scan_status_finished_at |
agent_info_is_decommissioned |
threat_classifier_name |
threat_mitigation_status |
threat_from_scan |
threat_suspicious |
threat_in_quarantine |
threat_agent |
threat_learning_mode |
threat_from_cloud |
threat_is_partial_story |
threat_mitigation_actions |
threat_id |
threat_browser_type |
threat_annotation_url |
threat_is_cert_valid |
threat_indicators |
threat_cert_id |
threat_hidden |
threat_resolved |
threat_description |
threat_publisher |
threat_mitigation_report_kill_status |
threat_mitigation_report_quarantine_status |
threat_mitigation_report_network_quarantine_status |
threat_mitigation_report_rollback_status |
threat_mitigation_report_remediate_status |
threat_engine_data |
threat_meta_data_created_at |
threat_meta_data_updated_at |
threat_file_id_display_name |
threat_file_id_permission |
threat_file_id_hash_reputation |
threat_file_id_is_system |
threat_file_id_object_id |
threat_file_id_path |
threat_file_id_content_hash |
threat_file_id_size |
threat_mitigation_mode |
threat_annotation |
threat_silent_threat |
threat_marked_as_benign |
threat_whitening_options |
threat_malicious_process_arguments |
threat_extension |
threat_in_learning_mode |
threat_affected_files |
threat_username |
threat_created_date |
threat_mitigation_mode_suspicious |
threat_malicious_group_id |
threat_agent_version |
hostchain |
| ✓ |
tag |
| ✓ |
rawMessage |
| ✓ |
Field | Type | Extra fields |
eventdate |
priority |
RFC_Version |
date |
hostname |
app_name |
component_ID |
activity_ID |
activityType |
activityId |
rt |
ip |
deviceAddress |
deviceHostFqdn |
deviceHostName |
siteId |
siteName |
accountId |
accountName |
vendor |
sentinel_eventID |
eventDesc |
eventSeverity |
notificationScope |
agentId |
threatId |
comments |
userId |
description |
secondaryDescription |
createdAt |
groupId |
agentUpdatedVersion |
hash |
osFamily |
updatedAt |
event_description |
cat |
groupName |
originatorName |
originatorVersion |
sourceNetworkState |
sourceOsRevision |
sourceOsType |
sourceAgentUuid |
sourceFqdn |
sourceThreatCount |
sourceMgmtPrecievedAddress |
sourceDnsDomain |
sourceHostName |
sourceUserName |
sourceUserId |
sourceAgentId |
sourceGroupId |
sourceGroupName |
sourceIpAddresses_0 |
sourceIpAddresses_1 |
sourceMacAddresses_0 |
data_uid |
data_creator |
data_osType |
data_ruleId |
data_version |
data_eventId |
data_groupId |
data_interface |
data_ruleName |
data_ruleType |
data_vendorId |
data_eventTime |
data_eventType |
data_productId |
data_scopeName |
data_deviceName |
data_lmpVersion |
data_minorClass |
data_deviceClass |
data_computerName |
data_profileUuids |
data_ruleScopeName |
data_lastLoggedInUserName |
data_siteName |
data_groupName |
data_externalIp |
data_scopeLevel |
data_accountName |
data_macAddresses_0 |
data_fullScopeDetails |
hostchain |
| ✓ |
tag |
| ✓ |
rawMessage |
| ✓ |