The tags beginning with
identify events generated by Cloudflare + AWS.
Valid tags and data tables
The full tag must have 4 levels. The first 3 are fixed as
. The fourth level indicates the event subtype.
These are the valid tags and corresponding data tables that will receive the parsers' data:
Product / Service | Tags | Data tables |
Cloudflare + AWS |
For more information, read more About Devo tags.
Table structure
These are the fields displayed in this table:
Field | Type | Extra fields |
eventdate |
hostname |
ClientAsn |
ClientBytes |
ClientCountry |
ClientIP |
ClientMatchedIpFirewall |
ClientPort |
ClientProto |
OriginBytes |
OriginIP |
OriginPort |
OriginProto |
Application |
ColoCode |
ConnectTimestamp |
DisconnectTimestamp |
Event |
IpFirewall |
ProxyProtocol |
Status |
Timestamp |
ClientTcpRtt |
ClientTlsCipher |
ClientTlsClientHelloServerName |
ClientTlsProtocol |
ClientTlsStatus |
OriginTcpRtt |
OriginTlsCipher |
OriginTlsFingerprint |
OriginTlsMode |
OriginTlsProtocol |
OriginTlsStatus |
ClientRequestHost |
ClientRequestMethod |
ClientRequestURI |
EdgeEndTimestamp |
EdgeResponseBytes |
EdgeResponseStatus |
EdgeStartTimestamp |
BotTags |
ParentRayID |
RayID |
SecurityLevel |
SmartRouteColoID |
UpperTierColoID |
ZoneID |
ZoneName |
CacheCacheStatus |
CacheTieredFill |
CacheResponseBytes |
CacheResponseStatus |
ClientASN |
ClientDeviceType |
ClientIPClass |
ClientMTLSAuthCertFingerprint |
ClientMTLSAuthStatus |
ClientSSLCipher |
ClientSSLProtocol |
ClientSrcPort |
ClientTCPRTTMs |
ClientXRequestedWith |
ClientRequestBytes |
ClientRequestPath |
ClientRequestProtocol |
ClientRequestReferer |
ClientRequestScheme |
ClientRequestSource |
ClientRequestUserAgent |
FirewallMatchesActions |
FirewallMatchesRuleIDs |
FirewallMatchesSources |
EdgeCFConnectingO2O |
EdgeColoCode |
EdgeColoID |
EdgePathingOp |
EdgePathingSrc |
EdgePathingStatus |
EdgeRateLimitAction |
EdgeRateLimitID |
EdgeRequestHost |
EdgeResponseBodyBytes |
EdgeResponseCompressionRatio |
EdgeResponseContentType |
EdgeServerIP |
EdgeTimeToFirstByteMs |
OriginDNSResponseTimeMs |
OriginRequestHeaderSendDurationMs |
OriginSSLProtocol |
OriginTCPHandshakeDurationMs |
OriginTLSHandshakeDurationMs |
OriginResponseBytes |
OriginResponseDurationMs |
OriginResponseHTTPExpires |
OriginResponseHTTPLastModified |
OriginResponseHeaderReceiveDurationMs |
OriginResponseStatus |
OriginResponseTime |
WAFAction |
WAFFlags |
WAFMatchedVar |
WAFProfile |
WAFRuleMessage |
WorkerCPUTime |
WorkerStatus |
WorkerSubrequest |
WorkerSubrequestCount |
hostchain |
| ✓ |
tag |
| ✓ |
rawMessage |
| ✓ |