The tags beginning with vuln.risksense
identify events generated by RiskSense as part of Ivanti.
Valid tags and data tables
The full tag must have two levels. The first two are fixed as vuln.risksense
. The third level identifies the type of events sent.
These are the valid tags and corresponding data tables that will receive the parsers' data:
Product / Service | Tags | Data tables |
Risk Sense |
For more information, read more About Devo tags.
Table structure
These are the fields displayed in this table:
Field name | Type | Extra fields |
eventdate |
hostname |
id |
clientId |
groupIds |
rs3 |
xRS3 |
criticality |
tagIds |
networkId |
findingsDistribution__total__value |
findingsDistribution__total__subject |
findingsDistribution__total__filter |
findingsDistribution__critical__value |
findingsDistribution__critical__subject |
findingsDistribution__critical__filter |
findingsDistribution__high__value |
findingsDistribution__high__subject |
findingsDistribution__high__filter |
findingsDistribution__medium__value |
findingsDistribution__medium__subject |
findingsDistribution__medium__filter |
findingsDistribution__low__value |
findingsDistribution__low__subject |
findingsDistribution__low__filter |
findingsDistribution__info__value |
findingsDistribution__info__subject |
findingsDistribution__info__filter |
findingsByVrrDistribution__total__value |
findingsByVrrDistribution__total__subject |
findingsByVrrDistribution__total__filter |
findingsByVrrDistribution__critical__value |
findingsByVrrDistribution__critical__subject |
findingsByVrrDistribution__critical__filter |
findingsByVrrDistribution__high__value |
findingsByVrrDistribution__high__subject |
findingsByVrrDistribution__high__filter |
findingsByVrrDistribution__medium__value |
findingsByVrrDistribution__medium__subject |
findingsByVrrDistribution__medium__filter |
findingsByVrrDistribution__low__value |
findingsByVrrDistribution__low__subject |
findingsByVrrDistribution__low__filter |
findingsByVrrDistribution__info__value |
findingsByVrrDistribution__info__subject |
findingsByVrrDistribution__info__filter |
discoveredOn |
lastFoundOn |
scannerFirstDiscoveredOn |
scannerLastDiscoveredOn |
platformFirstIngestedOn |
platformLastIngestedOn |
lastScanTime |
hostName |
ipAddress |
portIds |
operatingSystemScanner__name |
operatingSystemScanner__family |
operatingSystemScanner__class |
operatingSystemScanner__vendor |
operatingSystemScanner__version |
external |
configurationManagementDB |
netbios |
fqdn |
rdns |
macAddress |
virtualMacAddress |
authenticatedScan |
policyUsed |
scannerUniqueId |
group__id |
group__name |
group__hasGroupPermission |
groups |
tags |
network__id |
network__name |
network__type |
scannerLastDiscoveredOnOrigin |
lastCredentialedScanDate |
ports |
services |
notes |
sources |
tickets |
lastVulnTrendingOn |
lastThreatTrendingOn |
trending |
oldestOpenFindingWithThreatDiscoveredOn |
xRS3date |
discoveredByRS |
openCveCount |
openThreatCount |
openRansomwareCount |
openRceAndPeCount |
manualExploitCount |
isp |
srsLastScanTime |
dns |
ec2Identifier |
vrrCriticalMax |
vrrHighMax |
vrrMediumMax |
vrrLowMax |
totalFindingCountOnAsset |
metricExcludeOverrideDetail |
allIpAddresses |
openAndClosedFindingCount |
additionalDetails |
slaDetails |
assetIdentifier |
assetIdentifiedBy |
lastAssetIdentifier |
lastAssetIdentifiedBy |
assetIdentifiedScannerUuid |
lastAssetIdentifiedScannerUuid |
assetIdentificationDetails |
hostchain |
| ✓ |
tag |
| ✓ |
rawMessage |
| ✓ |
Field name | Type | Extra fields |
eventdate |
hostname |
id |
source |
sourceId |
title |
port |
protocol |
description |
services |
group__id |
group__name |
group__hasGroupPermission |
groups |
host__hostId |
host__hostName |
host__ipAddress |
host__criticality |
host__external |
host__ports |
host__rs3 |
host__lastScannedTime |
host__fqdn |
host__rdns |
host__macAddress |
host__virtualMacAddress |
host__dns |
host__netbios |
host__ec2Identifier |
host__assetIdentifier |
host__assetIdentifiedBy |
host__lastAssetIdentifier |
host__lastAssetIdentifiedBy |
host__assetIdentifiedScannerUuid |
host__lastAssetIdentifiedScannerUuid |
operatingSystemScanner__name |
operatingSystemScanner__family |
operatingSystemScanner__class |
operatingSystemScanner__vendor |
operatingSystemScanner__version |
network__id |
network__name |
network__type |
statusEmbedded__state |
statusEmbedded__stateName |
statusEmbedded__stateDescription |
statusEmbedded__status |
statusEmbedded__userIds |
statusEmbedded__durationInDays |
statusEmbedded__dueDate |
statusEmbedded__expirationDate |
assessments |
assignments |
vulnerabilities__vulnInfoList |
vulnerabilities__vulnLastTrendingOn |
vulnerabilities__trending |
vulnerabilitiesWithV3 |
threats__manualExploits |
threats__threats |
threats__threatLastTrendingOn |
threats__trending |
manualFindingReports |
solution |
patches |
manualExploitCount |
tags |
tagsAsset |
tickets |
notes |
authScanDetail |
authScanHistory |
output |
severity |
severityEmbedded__combined |
severityEmbedded__overridden |
severityEmbedded__scanner |
severityEmbedded__cvssV2 |
severityEmbedded__cvssV3 |
severityEmbedded__aggregated |
severityEmbedded__state |
severityEmbedded__stateName |
severityEmbedded__expirationDate |
riskRating |
xrs3Impact |
xrs3ImpactOnCategory |
lastFoundOn |
discoveredOn |
scannerFirstDiscoveredOn |
scannerLastDiscoveredOn |
platformFirstIngestedOn |
platformLastIngestedOn |
slaDiscoveredOnDerived |
slaDiscoveredOnDerivedOrigin |
resolvedOn |
scannerName |
scannerPrettyName |
findingType |
machineId |
detailedDescription |
detailedSolution |
cloudSecurityGroups |
cloudScalingGroups |
scannerPluginStatus |
additionalInfo |
netbios |
dns |
scannerReferences |
workflowGeneratedNames |
workflowDistribution__actionableWorkflows |
workflowDistribution__latestSystemWorkflows |
workflowDistribution__approvedWorkflows |
workflowDistribution__expiredWorkflows |
workflowDistribution__rejectedWorkflows |
workflowDistribution__requestedWorkflows |
workflowDistribution__reworkedWorkflows |
pluginCpes |
scannerPluginDetails |
cloudInformation |
pluginType |
pluginVulnerabilityType |
pluginFamily |
pluginAgent |
pluginPublishedDate |
pluginUpdatedDate |
pluginInstanceId |
parserUploadFileData |
status |
reworked |
scannerReportedSeverity |
hostAdditionalDetails |
slaDetails |
dueDate__setBy |
dueDate__setByName |
dueDate__uuid |
scannerReportedPluginId |
risk |
scannerReported |
cvssV2 |
cvssV3 |
state |
groupId |
groupIds |
portId |
hostname2 |
ip |
criticality |
isExternal |
hostchain |
| ✓ |
tag |
| ✓ |
rawMessage |
| ✓ |