Domain preferences

Domain preferences

About preferences

Domain preferences are the settings that determine the default behavior of different aspects of the web application, as well as the authentication methods used for domain logins. Domain users can customize their user settings and override the domain's default settings defined here.

To review and modify any of these settings:

  1. Go to Preferences in the navigation panel.

  2. Select the Domain preferences tab at the top.

Domain vs User

In general, when a setting is present both in the user and domain preferences, the user always takes preference over the domain.

10_Domain preferences.png

What permissions do I need?

To access this area to set domain preferences, you need the Preferences permission while being a user with the Admin role. Without this permission or the Admin role, the option will not appear in the Navigation pane. Learn more about roles and permissions here.


These preferences affect aspects of user sessions in the Devo domain as well as how Devo manages event loading in a user's browser.



Default inactivity time for session expiration (in minutes)

Specify the period of time during which a user can be inactive (that is, not interact with the system in any way) without any impact on their session. After the inactivity period expires, the user is locked out of the session and must log back in to continue working with Devo. This is valid only when Set an inactivity time is selected.

Set an inactivity time

Select if you want to set an inactivity timeout for domain session. Otherwise, user sessions remain open until manually closed.

Set as maximum inactivity time

Check this option to mark the given value as the maximum inactivity time for all the users in the domain.

Initial page (only Admin users)

Specify the landing page when Admin users log in to this domain.


Default language

Specify the language of the application. This means that by default, all of your Devo users use the same language during their Devo sessions. This can be overridden in a user's individual preferences.

User browser language

Select this option to use the language configured in the user's web browser. When selected, the Default language field is disabled.

Unsupported browser language

If your browser language is not supported by Devo, English is the language automatically applied. However, you must close and reopen the Devo Platform for it to work correctly.

Data search settings

Default opening time range in Data Search

Specify the time range that determines which events to load in Data search by default. The maximum is 24 hours. This applies to all users and all data tables in the domain.

Default case sensitivity in searches

Some query operations have a case sensitive and a case insensitive version, for example, Contains - case insensitive (weakhas) and Contains (has, ->). This setting defines the default (Case sensitive or Case insensitive) in the Operations over fields when you run a search. Operations that do not have a sensitive and insensitive version are visible regardless of the option selected.

This setting also affects the behavior of global searches in your domain. If you select the Case sensitive option, the global search is case sensitive, and the operation used to filter the data is Contains tokens (toktains). If you select Case insensitive, the operation used is Contains tokens - case insensitive (weaktoktains). Learn more in Run a global search.

Enable Real Time Event Flow by default when opening a search

Select to activate real-time data flow by default when opening a data table or query. Otherwise, data tables open with a time range whose end date corresponds to the moment they were opened.

This option is disabled by default to save resources and improve performance.

Browser load thresholds

Event count threshold (in thousands) - Maximum number of events to load in a browser for all open queries. When this limit is reached, Devo begins to remove less relevant events from the browser to make room for the newer or more relevant events.

This works in parallel with the Browser memory threshold, so that Devo begins to remove events once either of these values are reached.

Browser memory threshold (MB) - Maximum amount of browser memory to use including all open queries. When this limit is reached, Devo begins to remove less relevant events from the browser to make room for the newest events.

This works in parallel with the Event count threshold, such that Devo begins to remove events once either of these values are reached.

Real-time event flow cutoff

Event count threshold (in thousands) - Time to threshold (milliseconds)

Devo can automatically stop a query's real-time event flow when it detects a potential risk for the browser to be overloaded with an excessive amount of data. You can specify a threshold for the number of events and a time that defines the potential risk for browser overload.

For example, with a sample period of 10 seconds and a maximum number of events set to 15,000, the real-time event flow stops when more than 15,000 are loaded in any 10-second period.

Time control settings



Reference time - Select the default reference time for tables that contain both creation and event dates.

  • Ingestion date mode (InD): the event date is when Devo receives and ingests the data.

  • Creation date mode (CrD): the creation date refers to when data is generated at the source. Creation date mode is only applied to tables whose source technology supports it.

    • Reception delay - Set the maximum expected delay between the creation date and the event date. If the delay period for your data never exceeds a specific length of time, being as accurate as possible helps the platform return results more quickly.

      This is only enabled when the creation date mode is selected.

Hide demo tables in finder

Check this box to hide the demo.*.* tables in the finder. 

Delete domain permanently

Delete domain

When you own the domain, you have the ability to permanently delete it. However, if you are not the owner, this option will not be visible. Visit this article to know more about the owner role.

Delete domain permanently:


These are the credentials used for OData V2 authentication when you set up a query as an OData feed.

Basic authentication user

Default user for OData V2 API basic authentication.

Basic authentication password

Default password for OData V2 API basic authentication.


You can log in to a Devo domain using your user and password, but stricter policies can be implemented in this area. Learn how to do it in the User authentication article.

Drill Down

You can use the drill down interactive functionality to access different target URLs by just clicking search result elements. After performing a search, simply right-click a data table cell of the selected data type. A placeholder inserted in the URL or a specified body parameter is replaced by this cell value, which allows you to easily access different URLs by just clicking different values in your data table.

Learn how to create drill down targets and use them in a search in the Drill downs article.

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