Hostname public suffix (publicsuffix)

Hostname public suffix (publicsuffix)


Extracts the public suffix from the hostnames in a given string field. A public suffix is one under which Internet users can directly register other subdomains. Some examples of public suffixes are comco.uk and pvt.k12.ma.us. 

Public suffixes are related to, but different from, TLDs (top-level domains). Top-level domains have no dots. For example, com is a TLD, but also a public suffix. Amazon and Google have registered different siblings under that domain: amazon.com and google.com

How does it work in the search window?

Select Create column in the search window toolbar, then select the Hostname public suffix operation. You need to specify one argument:


Data type


Data type

Hostname mandatory


The data type of the values in the new column is string.


In the my.upload.sample.data table, we want to get the public suffixes of the hostnames in our Hostnames field. To do this, we will create a new field using the Hostname public suffix operation.

The arguments needed to create the new field are:

  • Hostname Hostnames column

Click Create field and you will see the following result:

How does it work in LINQ?

Use the operator select... as...  and add the operation syntax to create the new column. This is the syntax for the Hostname public suffix operation:

  • publicsuffix(string)


You can copy the following LINQ script and try the above example on the my.upload.sample.data table. Keep in mind that you must download CSV file above to your Devo domain.

from my.upload.sample.data select split(message, ";", 15) as Hostnames select publicsuffix(Hostnames) as public_suffix

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