Manage and edit lookup tables

Manage and edit lookup tables

Devo users with the necessary administrative permissions can perform the tasks shown below with existing lookups. All of these tasks are carried out in the Lookup management tab of the Data search area.

What permissions do I need?

To access this area and see the lookups shared with you, you need to have at least the View versions of the Lookups permission for upload lookups and the Query lookups permission for query lookups. However, to be able to perform the management and edition tasks described in this article you need to have the Manage version of those permissions. Having the User resources permission is equivalent to having the Manage version of these two permissions.

Take into account that these two permissions are hierarchy-based, meaning you need to enable Lookups in order to enable Query lookups. Additionally, at least the View version of the Finders permission is required to enable the Lookup permission (know more about permissions here).

Additionally, if you’re not the owner of the lookup, you need to receive at least View access to the lookup in question via sharing, otherwise, you will not be able to see it. Check Share lookups to know more.

Lookup information

In this area, you can see all the lookups that you have access to and the different information that helps you identify them and their content:


  • The Status field indicates the current status of your lookup tables and displays status text inside a colored background.

    • Available means that the lookup is ready to use.

    • Updating or Creating means that the lookup is being constructed or it is undergoing some changes and cannot be used just yet. Once a lookup is in this status, the Refresh option will appear in the ellipsis menu (see Lookup management options below).

    • Deleting means that the lookup is being deleted and cannot be used anymore. Once a lookup is in this status, the Retry option will appear in the ellipsis menu (see Lookup management options below).

To check if there have been changes in the status of the whole lookup list, click the refresh icon at the top right.

  • The Name field displays the name assigned to the lookups when created.

  • The Owner field displays the email of the user who created the lookup.

  • The Last Updated field contains the date and time of the last of the changes applied to the lookups, changes such as modifications in content, sharing status, etc.

  • The Type field shows the following depending on the lookup type: CSV data, Static Query, Periodic Query.

  • The History field shows if the lookup keeps the history of the content of the lookup. The History column has two possible values: Yes or No.

  • The Size (bytes) field states the disk space the lookups occupy.

  • The Rows in Lookup field reports the number of rows the lookups consist of.

  • The Sharing field indicates the status of the lookups concerning privacy and displays a status icon and text inside a colored background.

    • Private means that the lookup has not been shared yet and it is thus not visible to anyone but the creator of the lookup and a domain administrator.

    • Shared means that the lookup has been already shared and it is thus visible to those users with the role it was shared with and usable according to the scope of interaction specified when shared.

To know more about sharing status and how to share lookups, check the Share lookups article.

  • The Lookup Summary can be reached by clicking the expandable icon on the left of the lookup row to see its details: key field, field names, and data types, as well as source query for query lookups, which can be copied to the clipboard for later use.

Find your lookup

Since the number of lookups you have access to might be potentially high, it is important to be able to quickly find them. To do that, you have at your disposal some functionalities to filter and sort them.


You can use the Filter lookups field, which filters as you type to show only those lookups that contain the specified string in any of the fields.

You can also the field filters by clicking Filter next to the Filter lookups field to deploy a menu where you can search for specific values in each field. You can combine different field filters for a more concise approach.

Sort fields

You can click the arrows in each field header to sort the field values in ascending or descending order. Clicking a third time goes back to the default option, which is ordered by last update.

Display density

Use this option to define the vertical spacing between rows so you can see and manage them more comfortably according to your preferences. You can select Compact for a tighter approach and Comfortable for a wider approach). 

Lookup management options

In this area, you can manage the lookups that you have access to. Click the ellipsis icon on the right of any lookup row to access the following options:

Be aware that some of these options require specific permissions, mainly Lookups (View/Manage), Lookup restrictions (View/Manage), and Query lookups (View/Manage). If you do not have them, you will not see the option in the ellipsis menu. To know more about permissions and see the full list, check Role permissions.

Download CSV

Download the lookup table as a CSV file.


Uploaded lookups: edit the content of the selected upload lookup table. You can add new rows or modify the already existing data. Click Save Changes once you finish.

Static query lookups: in the case of static query lookups, you are taken to the data search, where you can edit the fields and time range of the lookup. See the section below to learn more.

Periodic query lookups

This option will not appear for Periodic query lookups because they cannot be edited.

Upload a New Version

Upload an updated version of the selected lookup table. Click Choose file, select the file including the updated version, and click Upload. This option is only available for uploaded lookups.


This opens a window for you to share the lookup with other roles. Check the following article to know the details: Share lookups.


Delete the lookup table.


Only in deleting status: When the lookup is being deleted, the Retry option appears in the ellipsis menu. If it remains in this status for too long or you simply want to speed up the process, you can use this option to manually get rid of it.


Only in uptading and creating status: When the lookup is being either updated or created, the Refresh option appears in the ellipsis menu to manually check if the lookup is ready to use.

Updating time limit exceeded: Using this option when your lookup has remained Updating for more than one hour will return a time limit error. To reset the lookup status to Available so that you can use it, you must click the global refresh icon at the top right, however, the changes made will be lost.

Creating time limit exceeded: Using this option when your lookup is being created for more than one hour will return a time limit error. In that case, the lookup will be automatically deleted and you must create it anew.

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