Jinja Template

Jinja Template

Jinja Template Usage in Devo SOAR

  • You can provide jinja-templated string inputs at many places in the Devo SOAR product. For example: Some action inputs are jinja-templated

  • You can define all your custom logic (if-else etc) that is supported by jinja2-templating engine.

  • Most common usage is you have a jinja-templated input text box and you want to substitute the values from one or more columns that can differ for each row. For example: Let's say you were creating multiple cases in Devo SOAR through Case Management and you want the case-title to be prefixed LHUB- followed by some id that is unique per row in the parentTable. the corresponding jinja-template for Case Title can be on the following lines:


where id_column is a column in the parentTable

For more information, see Jinja Templates.

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