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Maximum (max)


This operation returns the highest value found in a data set.

How does it work in the search window?

You can use this operation in two different ways; as an Aggregation or Create column operation:

  • Aggregation: returns the highest value found in a specified column for each grouping occurrence.

  • Create column: creates a column that shows the highest of the values found in two or more numeric columns.


Before being able to perform this operation, you have to group your data. Be aware that the columns used as arguments for the grouping operation will not be available to select as arguments for the aggregation operation.

After grouping the data, select Aggregation in the search window toolbar, then select the Maximum operation. You need to specify one argument:


Data type



Data type


Max of mandatory

Last of (alphabetical ordered) mandatory

integer, float


When the selected argument is a number, the argument will be automatically transformed into Max of and will retrieve the highest value found in the specified column for each grouping occurrence.

When the selected argument is a string, the argument will be automatically transformed into Last of (alphabetically ordered) and will retrieve the last of the alphabetically ordered values found in the specified column for each grouping occurrence.

Be aware that if a string column used as the argument contains null values, they will be considered when ordering alphabetically. Consequently, if the value retrieved is null, it does not mean the operation has failed, only that it is the last value found when ordering alphabetically.

The data type of the aggregated values is integer, float or string.

Create column

Select Create column in the search window toolbar, then select the Maximum operation. You need to add at least two Any number arguments, but you can add as many as required.


Data type


Data type

Any number mandatory

integer, float

Any number mandatory

integer, float

The data type of the values in the new column is integer or float.


Aggregation 1

In the table, we want to get the highest value of the bytesTransferred column in each 5-minute period. Before aggregating the data, the table must be grouped in 5-minute intervals.  Then we will perform the aggregation using the Maximum operation.

The arguments needed for the Maximum operation are:

  • Max of → bytesTransferred column

Click Aggregate function and you will see the following result:

Aggregation 2

In the siem.logtrust.web.activity table, we want to get the last alphabetical value of the city column in each 5-minute period. Before aggregating the data, the table must be grouped in 5-minute intervals. Then we will perform the aggregation using the Maximum operation.

The arguments needed for the Maximum operation are:

  • Last of (alphabetically ordered) → city column

Click Aggregate function and you will see the following result:

Create column

In the table, we want to get the highest of the values found in either the bytesTransferred or timeTaken columns for each event. To do that, we will create a column using the Maximum operation.

The arguments needed for the Maximum operation are:

  • Any Number - bytesTransferred column

  • Any Number - timeTaken column

Click Create column and you will see the following result:

How does it work in LINQ?


Group your data using the following structure:

  • group every server period by column1, column2...
    every client period

Then, use select... as...  to add the new column that will show the aggregated values. This is the syntax for the Maximum operation:

  • max(numeric_column)

  • max(string_column)

See Build a query using LINQ to learn more about grouping and aggregating your data using the LINQ language.

Create column

Use select... as...  to apply the Create column operation. This is the syntax for the Maximum operation:

  • max(numeric_column1, numeric_column2, numeric_column3...)


You can copy the following LINQ scripts and try the examples above on the and siem.logtrust.web.activity tables:

Aggregation 1
from group every 5m every 5m select max(bytesTransferred) as bytesTransferred_max
Aggregation 2
from siem.logtrust.web.activity group every 5m every 5m select max(city) as city_max
Create column
from select max(bytesTransferred, timeTaken) as `bytes-time_max`