Geolocation group
Geolocation group
- Coordinates distance (distance)
- Geographic coordinate system (coordsystem)
- Geocoord (geocoord)
- Geohash (geohash)
- Geohash string (geohashstr)
- Geolocated AS Organization Name with MaxMind GeoIP2 (mm2asorg)
- Geolocated AS owner (mmasowner)
- Geolocated Accuracy Radius with MaxMind GeoIP2 (mm2accuracyradius)
- Geolocated ASN (mmasn)
- Geolocated ASN with MaxMind GeoIP2 (mm2asn)
- Geolocated City (mmcity)
- Geolocated City with MaxMind GeoIP2 (mm2city)
- Geolocated Connection Speed (mmspeed)
- Geolocated connection type with MaxMind GeoIP2 (mm2con)
- Geolocated Coordinates (mmcoordinates)
- Geolocated coordinates with MaxMind GeoIP2 (mm2coordinates)
- Geolocated Country (mmcountry)
- Geolocated Country with MaxMind GeoIP2 (mm2country)
- Geolocated ISP (mmisp)
- Geolocated ISP name with MaxMind GeoIP2 (mm2isp)
- Geolocated Latitude (mmlatitude)
- Geolocated Latitude with MaxMind GeoIP2 (mm2latitude)
- Geolocated Level 1 Subdivision with MaxMind GeoIP2 (mm2subdivision1)
- Geolocated Level 2 Subdivision with MaxMind GeoIP2 (mm2subdivision2)
- Geolocated Longitude (mmlongitude)
- Geolocated Longitude with MaxMind GeoIP2 (mm2longitude)
- Geolocated Organization (mmorg)
- Geolocated organization name with MaxMind GeoIP2 (mm2org)
- Geolocated Postal Code (mmpostalcode)
- Geolocated Postal Code with MaxMind GeoIP2 (mm2postalcode)
- Geolocated Region (mmregion)
- Geolocated Region Name (mmregionname)
- ISO-3166-1 Continent Alpha-2 Code (continentalpha2)
- ISO-3166-1 Continent Name (continentname)
- ISO-3166-1 Country Alpha-2 Code (countryalpha2)
- ISO-3166-1 Country Alpha-2 Continent (countrycontinent)
- ISO-3166-1 Country Alpha-3 Code (countryalpha3)
- ISO-3166-1 Country Latitude (countrylatitude)
- ISO-3166-1 Country Longitude (countrylongitude)
- ISO-3166-1 Country Name (countryname)
- Latitude (latitude)
- Latitude and longitude coordinates (latlon)
- Longitude (longitude)
- Parse geocoord format (parsegeo)
- Represent geocoord format (reprgeo)
- Round coordinates (gridlatlon)
, multiple selections available,