String group
String group
- Contains (has, ->)
- Contains - case insensitive (weakhas)
- Contains tokens - case insensitive (weaktoktains)
- Contains tokens (toktains)
- Edit distance: Damerau (damerau)
- Edit distance: Hamming (hamming)
- Edit distance: Levenshtein (levenshtein)
- Edit distance: OSA (osa)
- Ends with (endswith)
- Format number (formatnumber)
- Hostname public suffix (publicsuffix)
- Hostname root domain (rootdomain)
- Hostname root prefix (rootprefix)
- Hostname root suffix (rootsuffix)
- Hostname subdomains (subdomain)
- Hostname top level domain (topleveldomain)
- Is empty (isempty)
- Is in (`in`, <-)
- Is in - case insensitive (weakin)
- Length (length)
- Locate (locate)
- Lower case (lower)
- Matches (matches, ~)
- Peek (peek)
- Replace all (replaceall)
- Replace first (replace)
- Reverse (reverse)
- Shannon entropy (shannonentropy)
- Split (split)
- Split regexp (splitre)
- Starts with (startswith)
- Substitute (subs)
- Substitute all (subsall)
- Substring (substring)
- Trim both sides (trim)
- Trim the left side (ltrim)
- Trim the right side (rtrim)
- Upper case (upper)
, multiple selections available,