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.Monitors vv7.6.0



Monitors provides customizable, tab-based dashboards that allow for the comparison of status and evolution of multiple metrics in the same interface. Using monitors, the application users can run effective side-to-side comparisons of entities and their KPIs with minimum configuration effort for their low-level analysis of incidents and issues.

Use cases highlights

This module provides the following set of use cases:

  • Quick configuration of dashboards based on the entities defined for a model.

  • Multiple charts support (time series, histograms, historic comparisons, mathematical operations between series, and so on).

  • Multi-tab support for different, simultaneous analysis processes.

  • Possibility to save dashboards for later usage.

Multi-entity monitors

The following screenshot illustrates the main components in the monitors user interface:

Entity selector

Use the vertical menu on the left hand side of the user interface to select / unselect the entities you want to be displayed on the custom dashboard. To achieve that, follow the next steps:

  1. Expand, if not fully visible, the vertical menu on the left by clicking on the right-pointing arrow.

  2. Click on the names of the entities you want to expand or collapse, to navigate through their hierarchy.

  3. Click on the checkbox on the right of each entity to enable or disable its visual representation on the dashboard.

  4. In the upper part of the vertical menu, click on the 'X' button by each displayed entity name to eliminate it from the dashboard.

Chart options

Each displayed chart corresponding to the selected entities is configurable individually using its corresponding toolbar. Use the buttons in there to retrieve information from the entity under analysis or to perform any of the available actions:

  1. Options icon: Click on this icon to show display additional chart options and operations.

  2. Additional options dialogue:

    1. Chart type: Select between ‘series’ (default), histogram and pie chart.

    2. Chart size: Select the width of the chart. Board is compounded of 4 gaps per row. Selecting 4, the chart will occupy the full width of the board.

    3. Compare to: Select a second entity to be represented in the same chart for comparison purposes.

    4. Operate with the compared entity: A third entity will be created dynamically showing the result of the selected mathematical operation between the first two entities: 'sum', 'average', 'median', 'variance' and 'standard deviation'.

    5. Compare to historical data: Creates another series including historical data of the same entity. The previous time to compare can be defined with the drop-down.

    6. Show warning / critical threshold: Display the threshold settings for the selected entities.

    7. Multiple Y-axis: Enable or disable multiple Y axis for the representation of multiple entities.

  3. Click to ‘accept’ or ‘cancel’ all changes.

  4. Trash bin icon: Remove the chart from the dashboard.

Tabs toolbar

The upper bar provides a number of additional options to manage the monitor dashboard. These are:

  1. Tab name input: Double click on any tab name to edit it. Press enter after entering the new name to save it.

  2. Tab removal: Click on the 'x' button to delete a monitor tab completely.

  3. Create new monitor tab: Click on the '+' to create a new, blank monitor ready for its editing.

  4. Related Activeboards: In the creation and editing of maps it is possible to associate them with Devo Activeboards. Use this selector to invoke an existing Activeboard and load it from here.

  5. Reload button: Loads up the existing monitor configuration as it was stored in Service Operations. Use this button to recover previous versions of the monitor.

  6. Monitor saving: Save the current monitor configuration, including all charts and visualization options.