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Model configuration

Setting up the model

Follow the next steps to translate the desired business logic in the form of a Service Operations model:





Go to Service Operations administration. Click on the manage models subsection and then on the create new model button. A new, blank model is created.


Expand the global settings menu on the right hand side of the screen and set an appropriate name for the new model, for example, ā€œE-commerceā€ and click on the apply changes button. Then, click on publish to save the configuration into Service Operations' database.


Create a new node for the model by clicking on the '+' button. Configure it as follows:

  • Name: ā€œuser errorsā€

  • Description: ā€œTotal number of errors per userā€

  • Value unit: ā€œerrorsā€

  • Precision: 0

  • Best value: 0

  • Worst value: 20

  • Warning threshold: 15

  • Critical threshold: 18

  • Data availability timeout: 1 d

  • No data criticality level: normal

  • No data text: ā€œno dataā€

  • Autodiscovery query: Copy and paste the LinQ query for number of errors, per user from the table above

  • Autodiscovery criteria: Select ā€œclientIpAddressā€ from the dropdown menu

Click on apply changes, then click on publish. If no errors are raised, the new node should appear in the model.


Repeat the process to create 4 new nodes:

  • Names: ā€œapplication errorsā€, ā€œtrafficā€, ā€œconversion rateā€ and ā€œavg. ticketā€ respectively

  • Description: enter descriptive texts for each new entity

  • Value unit: ā€œerrorsā€, ā€œvisitsā€, ā€œ%ā€ and ā€œ$ā€ respectively

  • Precision: 0,0,1,2 respectively

  • Best value: 0,3000,100,1000 respectively

  • Worst value: 500, 0, 0, 0 respectively

  • Warning threshold: 400, 100, 1,10 respectively

    • Critical threshold: 450, 25, 0.5, 5 respectively

  • Data availability timeout: 1d

  • No data criticality: normal, critical, critical, critical respectively

  • No data text: ā€œno dataā€

  • Autodiscovery query: copy and paste the LinQ corresponding to each case from the table above

  • Autodiscovery criteria: applicationModule, none, none, none

Apply changes by the definition of each new metric and then publish.


Click on user errors and then on the clone button on the top buttons menu. A new icon called Duplicated user errors should be created.

Repeat the process for application errors and traffic. Two more nodes are created as a result of these operations.

Click on publish to save all changes.


Hover on the user errors node until a ā€˜+' shows at the node border. The click on the ā€˜+ā€™ icon and, without releasing the click, drag the arrow to the border of the duplicated user errors entity. A link between the two nodes should be established.

Repeat the process to link application errors with Duplicated application errors.

Finally, link traffic, conversion rate and avg. ticket individually with Duplicated traffic.

Publish to save all changes.


Change the name of the duplicated entities as follows:

  • Duplicated user errors ā†’ Individual user status

  • Duplicated application errors ā†’ App module status

  • Duplicated traffic ā†’ Business status

Publish to save all changes.


  • Click on bothĀ individual user status and app module status and clone each of them. Then, linkĀ individualĀ user status and app module status with their respective new, cloned entities.

  • Rename the duplicated entities to "UX status" and "app status" respectively.

  • Clone UX status and rename the new node to "e-commerce status".

  • Create links from UX status, app status and business status to e-commerce status.

Publish to save all changes.


Click on the link between user errors and individual user status. In the menu that appears on the right-hand side of the screen, set both from column to column with clientIpAddress. Click on apply to keep this configuration.

Repeat the previous procedure with application errors and app module status.


Click on the user errors node. In the entity definition form, click on the metadata tab. In there, select its type as KPI, and subtype as operational. Apply to keep the changes.

Repeat the same process to for all leaf nodes in the tree, i.e., application errors, traffic, conversion rate and avg. ticket. The subtype of the last three can be set as "business" as that is the type of metric measured in their case.

Note that entities of type "KPI" are displayed as squares in the model.

Publish to save all changes.


Click one-by-one on all non-KPI entities in the model and, in the entity definition form, configure the following for them:

  • Auto-mode: enabled.

  • Critical status definition: "Select More than half of descendants have a critical status".

  • Warning status definition: Select "More than half of descendants have a warning status".

Apply all individual changes and publish to save them all.


Finally, click on the model global properties menu to show all options relative to the e-commerce model and set time range > amount and unit to ā€˜1 dā€™ (one day).

This setting specifies the rolling time window the application will consider for all data analysis processes.

Once all these steps are finished, the model will be available for its first execution. To do that, navigate to the available models section in the administration main menu and verify that "e-commerce" appears in the list of available models. Click on the play button to run the model from there.

After the loading process is finished, something similar to the next screenshot should be displayed: