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Wiz collector


Wiz is a cloud infrastructure security tool that provides organizations with an in-depth contextual risk assessment. Wiz’s agentless solution builds inventory, and scans for varied risk factors such as vulnerabilities, excessive permissions, malware, exposed secrets, practical exposure, and more, and prioritizes the alerts for the security teams based on the likelihood to be exploited and potential business impact.

The Devo Wiz collector allows customers to retrieve Wiz cloud security issues into Devo to query, correlate, analyze, and visualize to enable Enterprise IT and Cybersecurity teams to take the most impactful decisions at the petabyte scale. The collector processes the Wiz API responses and sends them to the Devo platform, which then categorizes all data received on tables along rows and columns in your Devo domain.

Data sources

Data source


API Endpoint

Collector service name

Devo table

Available from release

Data source


API Endpoint

Collector service name

Devo table

Available from release


An issue in wiz is a vulnerability that is detected in the cloud infrastructure






Vulnerabilities are weaknesses in computer systems that can be exploited by malicious attackers. Whether they are caused by bugs or design flaws, vulnerabilities can allow attackers to execute code in an environment or elevate privileges.





Audit Logs

The Audit Log records key events in Wiz, such as login, logout, and user update. The Audit Log is primarily used to investigate potentially suspicious activity or diagnose and troubleshoot errors.





Cloud Configuration Findings

This returns the problems with configurations and the remediation solutions for the same.





Custom Service

This provides an option to add custom graphql query in the config and ingest data.


custom_query (default)

User can provide override tag in the config if the parser is deployed for their custom query or if they want a different table in .


Devo collector features





Allow parallel downloading (multipod)

not allowed

Running environments

  • collector server

  • on-premise

Populated Devo events


Flattening preprocessing


Flattening preprocessing

In order to improve the data exploitation and enrichment, this collector applies some flattening actions to the collected data before delivering it to Devo:

Data source

Collector service


Flattening details

Data source

Collector service


Flattening details




  • The control key content is transferred to the first JSON level with the prefix control_.

  • The  entity  key content is transferred to the first JSON level with the prefix entity_.

  • The entitySnapshot key content is transferred to the first JSON level with the prefix entitySnapshot_.




  • The layer key content is transferred to the first json level with the prefix layer_.

  • The vulnerable_asset key content is transferred to the first json level with the prefix asset_.

Audit Logs



  • The action_parameters key content is transferred to the first json level with the prefix action_.

Cloud Configuration Findings



  • The resource key content is transferred to the first json level with the prefix resource_.

Custom Service




How to enable the collection in the vendor

Minimal requirements to follow this guide

In order to retrieve the data, the following details will be required from your Wiz instance.

Instance domain

Wiz domain of your cloud instance where the collector will make the requests.

Client ID

Wiz user ID.

Client secret

Wiz user passwords.

Minimum configuration required for basic pulling

Although this collector supports advanced configuration, the fields required to download data with basic configuration are defined below.

This minimum configuration refers exclusively to the specific parameters of this integration. There are more required parameters related to the generic behavior of the collector. Check setting sections for details.






By default, the base URLs This parameter allows you to customize the base URL and is mandatory when the customer URL is different than the given default value.


User Client ID to authenticate to the service.


User Secret Key to authenticate to the service.

Accepted authentication methods

The following are the accepted authentication methods for this collector.

Authentication method

Client ID

Client secret

Authentication method

Client ID

Client secret

Basic authentication



Run the collector

Once the data source is configured, you can either send us the required information if you want us to host and manage the collector for you (Cloud collector), or deploy and host the collector in your own machine using a Docker image (On-premise collector).

Collector service details

Issue Service

All events of this service are ingested into the table cspm.wiz.issues.default

Issue service is based on the following GraphQL command:

query IssuesTable( $filterBy: IssueFilters $first: Int $after: String $orderBy: IssueOrder ) { issues( filterBy: $filterBy first: $first after: $after orderBy: $orderBy ) { nodes { ...IssueDetails } pageInfo { hasNextPage endCursor } totalCount informationalSeverityCount lowSeverityCount mediumSeverityCount highSeverityCount criticalSeverityCount uniqueEntityCount } } fragment IssueDetails on Issue { id control { id name query securitySubCategories { id title category { id name framework { id name } } } } createdAt updatedAt projects { id name slug businessUnit riskProfile { businessImpact } } status severity entity { id name type } entitySnapshot { id type nativeType name subscriptionId subscriptionExternalId subscriptionName resourceGroupId resourceGroupExternalId region cloudPlatform cloudProviderURL providerId status tags subscriptionTags } note serviceTicket { externalId name url } serviceTickets { externalId name url action { id type } } }

Once the collector has been launched, it is important to check if the ingestion is performed in a proper way. To do so, go to the collector’s logs console.

This service has the following components:






The setup module is in charge of authenticating the service and managing the token expiration when needed.


The setup module is in charge of pulling the data in a organized way and delivering the events via SDK.

Setup output

A successful run has the following output messages for the setup module:

INFO InputProcess::WizDataPullerSetup(wiz_collector,wiz_data_puller#111,issues#predefined) -> Puller Setup Started INFO InputProcess::WizDataPullerSetup(wiz_collector,wiz_data_puller#111,issues#predefined) -> successfully generated new access token INFO InputProcess::WizDataPullerSetup(wiz_collector,wiz_data_puller#111,issues#predefined) -> The credentials provided in the configuration have required permissions to request issues from Wiz server INFO InputProcess::WizDataPullerSetup(wiz_collector,wiz_data_puller#111,issues#predefined) -> Puller Setup Terminated INFO InputProcess::WizDataPullerSetup(wiz_collector,wiz_data_puller#111,issues#predefined) -> Setup for module <WizDataPuller> has been successfully executed

Puller output

A successful initial run has the following output messages for the puller module:

Note that the PrePull action is executed only one time before the first run of the Pull action.

INFO InputProcess::WizDataPuller(wiz_data_puller,00011,issues,predefined) -> PrePull Started. INFO InputProcess::WizDataPuller(wiz_data_puller,00011,issues,predefined) -> User has specified 2022-01-01 00:00:00 as the datetime. Historical polling will consider this datetime for creating the default values. INFO InputProcess::WizDataPuller(wiz_data_puller,00011,issues,predefined) -> No saved state found, initializing with state: {'historic_date_utc': datetime.datetime(2022, 1, 1, 0, 0), 'last_polled_timestamp': datetime.datetime(2022, 1, 1, 0, 0), 'ids_with_same_timestamp': [], 'buffer_timestamp_with_duplication_risk': datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0), 'buffer_ids_with_duplication_risk': []} WARNING InputProcess::WizDataPuller(wiz_data_puller,00011,issues,predefined) -> Saved state loaded: {'historic_date_utc': datetime.datetime(2022, 1, 1, 0, 0), 'last_polled_timestamp': datetime.datetime(2022, 1, 1, 0, 0), 'ids_with_same_timestamp': [], 'buffer_timestamp_with_duplication_risk': datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0), 'buffer_ids_with_duplication_risk': []} INFO InputProcess::WizDataPuller(wiz_data_puller,00011,issues,predefined) -> PrePull Terminated 2INFO InputProcess::WizDataPuller(wiz_data_puller,00011,issues,predefined) -> Starting data collection every 60 seconds INFO InputProcess::WizDataPuller(wiz_data_puller,00011,issues,predefined) -> Pull Started INFO InputProcess::WizDataPuller(wiz_data_puller,00011,issues,predefined) -> Fetching for issues from 2022-01-01T00:00:00 INFO InputProcess::WizDataPuller(wiz_data_puller,00011,issues,predefined) -> Requesting Wiz API for issues INFO InputProcess::WizDataPuller(wiz_data_puller,00011,issues,predefined) -> successfully retried issues from Wiz INFO InputProcess::WizDataPuller(wiz_data_puller,00011,issues,predefined) -> Total number of issues in this poll: 45 INFO InputProcess::WizDataPuller(wiz_data_puller,00011,issues,predefined) -> Removing the duplicate issues if present INFO InputProcess::WizDataPuller(wiz_data_puller,00011,issues,predefined) -> Flatten data is set to True. Flattening the data and adding 'devo_pulling_id' to events INFO InputProcess::WizDataPuller(wiz_data_puller,00011,issues,predefined) -> Delivering issues to the SDK INFO InputProcess::WizDataPuller(wiz_data_puller,00011,issues,predefined) -> 20 issues delivered INFO InputProcess::WizDataPuller(wiz_data_puller,00011,issues,predefined) -> State has been updated during pagination: {'historic_date_utc': datetime.datetime(2022, 1, 1, 0, 0), 'last_polled_timestamp': datetime.datetime(2022, 1, 1, 0, 0), 'ids_with_same_timestamp': [], 'buffer_timestamp_with_duplication_risk': datetime.datetime(2022, 5, 12, 19, 13, 20, 193191), 'buffer_ids_with_duplication_risk': ['09992ee4-1450-44fa-951c-d5fc4815473a']}. INFO InputProcess::WizDataPuller(wiz_data_puller,00011,issues,predefined) -> (Partial) Statistics for this pull cycle (@devo_pulling_id=1656602793.044179) so far: Number of requests made: 1; Number of events received: 45; Number of duplicated events filtered out: 0; Number of events generated and sent: 20. INFO InputProcess::WizDataPuller(wiz_data_puller,00011,issues,predefined) -> Requesting Wiz API for issues INFO OutputProcess::SyslogSender(standard_senders,syslog_sender_0) -> syslog_sender_0 -> Created sender: {"client_name": "collector-4ac42f93cffaa59c-9dc9f67c9-cgm84", "url": "sidecar-service-default.integrations-factory-collectors:601", "object_id": "140446617222352"} INFO InputProcess::WizDataPuller(wiz_data_puller,00011,issues,predefined) -> successfully retried issues from Wiz INFO InputProcess::WizDataPuller(wiz_data_puller,00011,issues,predefined) -> Removing the duplicate issues if present INFO InputProcess::WizDataPuller(wiz_data_puller,00011,issues,predefined) -> Flatten data is set to True. Flattening the data and adding 'devo_pulling_id' to events INFO InputProcess::WizDataPuller(wiz_data_puller,00011,issues,predefined) -> Delivering issues to the SDK INFO InputProcess::WizDataPuller(wiz_data_puller,00011,issues,predefined) -> 20 issues delivered INFO InputProcess::WizDataPuller(wiz_data_puller,00011,issues,predefined) -> State has been updated during pagination: {'historic_date_utc': datetime.datetime(2022, 1, 1, 0, 0), 'last_polled_timestamp': datetime.datetime(2022, 1, 1, 0, 0), 'ids_with_same_timestamp': [], 'buffer_timestamp_with_duplication_risk': datetime.datetime(2022, 6, 30, 9, 0, 1, 927011), 'buffer_ids_with_duplication_risk': ['87e301c5-d3b7-4c2b-9495-9163772b3517', '7c95e45f-694e-4843-8aa7-d697a66fb14a', '5f3daede-c375-424f-9034-d9f423310b4a', '584ac078-87f2-45a5-b2eb-6e72e0594bd7', '5057cb24-ce5b-405d-bd5d-fd7b3ba70fc0', '22933fcb-ebb0-4a03-bb00-c1cba0b5abca', '1bed50e0-7825-41c9-a9de-8d32e0a35de8', '03a303c8-000c-4544-8f2c-65486a225e15']}. INFO InputProcess::WizDataPuller(wiz_data_puller,00011,issues,predefined) -> (Partial) Statistics for this pull cycle (@devo_pulling_id=1656602793.044179) so far: Number of requests made: 2; Number of events received: 45; Number of duplicated events filtered out: 0; Number of events generated and sent: 40. INFO InputProcess::WizDataPuller(wiz_data_puller,00011,issues,predefined) -> Requesting Wiz API for issues INFO InputProcess::WizDataPuller(wiz_data_puller,00011,issues,predefined) -> successfully retried issues from Wiz INFO InputProcess::WizDataPuller(wiz_data_puller,00011,issues,predefined) -> Removing the duplicate issues if present INFO InputProcess::WizDataPuller(wiz_data_puller,00011,issues,predefined) -> Flatten data is set to True. Flattening the data and adding 'devo_pulling_id' to events INFO InputProcess::WizDataPuller(wiz_data_puller,00011,issues,predefined) -> Delivering issues to the SDK INFO InputProcess::WizDataPuller(wiz_data_puller,00011,issues,predefined) -> 5 issues delivered INFO InputProcess::WizDataPuller(wiz_data_puller,00011,issues,predefined) -> State has been updated during pagination: {'historic_date_utc': datetime.datetime(2022, 1, 1, 0, 0), 'last_polled_timestamp': datetime.datetime(2022, 1, 1, 0, 0), 'ids_with_same_timestamp': [], 'buffer_timestamp_with_duplication_risk': datetime.datetime(2022, 6, 30, 13, 14, 40, 673424), 'buffer_ids_with_duplication_risk': ['4d819843-61ef-4e70-a2b6-5834a3f96403']}. INFO InputProcess::WizDataPuller(wiz_data_puller,00011,issues,predefined) -> Updating deduplication buffers content INFO InputProcess::WizDataPuller(wiz_data_puller,00011,issues,predefined) -> Statistics for this pull cycle (@devo_pulling_id=1656602793.044179):Number of requests made: 3; Number of events received: 45; Number of duplicated events filtered out: 0; Number of events generated and sent: 45; Average of events per second: 33.797. INFO InputProcess::WizDataPuller(wiz_data_puller,00011,issues,predefined) -> Pull Terminated INFO InputProcess::WizDataPuller(wiz_data_puller,00011,issues,predefined) -> Data collection completed. Elapsed time: 1.334 seconds. Waiting for 58.666 second(s)

After a successful collector’s execution (that is, no error logs found), you will see the following log message:

The value @devo_pulling_id is injected in each event to group all events ingested by the same pull action. You can use it to get the exact events downloaded in that Pull action in Devo’s search window.

Vulnerability Service

All events of this service are ingested into the table cspm.wiz.vulnerabilities.default

Issue service is based on the following GraphQL command:

AuditLogs Service

CloudConfiguration Service

Custom Service

Collector operations

This section is intended to explain how to proceed with specific operations of this collector.

Change log


Released on

Release type




Released on

Release type




Jul 12, 2024


New Features

  • Added custom_query service


  • Updated the DCSDK to v1.12.2

    • Added new sender for relay in house + TLS

    • Added persistence functionality for gzip sending buffer

    • Added Automatic activation of gzip sending

    • Improved behaviour when persistence fails

    • Upgraded DevoSDK dependency

    • Fixed console log encoding

    • Restructured python classes

    • Improved behavior with non-utf8 characters

    • Decreased defaut size value for internal queues (Redis limitation, from 1GiB to 256MiB)

    • New persistence format/structure (compression in some cases)

    • Removed dmesg execution (It was invalid for docker execution)

    • DevoSDK has been updated to version 5.4.0

  • Updated dcsdk-docker-base-image to 1.3.0

Recommended version


Mar 13, 2024


Bug Fixes

  • Updating the issues query to include extra fields.



Feb 29, 2024


Bug Fixes

  • Updated the issues query to v2 for it to work properly.


  • Added the DCSDK auto update feature.

  • Updated the DCSDK from 1.10.3 to 1.11.0.



Feb 15, 2024


New Features

  • Added following three new services:

    • Vulnerabilities

    • Audit Logs

    • Cloud Configuration Findings


  • Upgraded DCSDK from 1.10.2 to 1.10.3 .



Nov 20, 2023


New Features

  • Added extra filters for events:

    • type: Filter by Issue type. You can specify multiple values in an array.



  • Upgraded DCSDK from 1.9.2 to 1.10.2

    • Added input metrics

    • Modified ouutput metrics

    • Updated DevoSDK to version 5.1.6

    • Standardized exception messages for traceability

    • Added more detail in queue statistics

    • Updated PythonSDK to version 5.0.7

    • Introduced pyproject.toml

    • Added

    • Fixed error in pyproject.toml related to project scripts endpoint



Oct 30, 2023



  • Upgraded DCSDK from 1.9.1 to 1.9.2

    • upgraded dependencies

Bug Fix:

  • Remove actions from service tables



Aug 23, 2023



  • Upgraded DCSDK from 1.3.0 to 1.9.1

    • Store lookup instances into DevoSender to avoid creation of new instances for the same lookup

    • Ensure service_config is a dict into templates

    • Ensure special characters are properly sent to the platform

    • Changed log level to some messages from info to debug

    • Changed some wrong log messages

    • Upgraded some internal dependencies

    • Changed queue passed to setup instance constructor

    • Added log traces for knowing the execution environment status (debug mode)

    • Fixes in the current puller template version

    • Improved log trace details when runtime exceptions happen

    • Refactored source code structure

    • New “templates” functionality

    • Functionality for detecting some system signals for starting the controlled stopping

    • Input objects sends again the internal messages to devo.collectors.out table

    • Upgraded DevoSDK to version 3.6.4 to fix a bug related to a connection loss with Devo

    • Refactored source code structure

    • Changed way of executing the controlled stopping

    • Minimized probabilities of suffering a DevoSDK bug related to “sender” to be null

    • Ability to validate collector setup and exit without pulling any data

    • Ability to store in the persistence the messages that couldn’t be sent after the collector stopped

    • Ability to send messages from the persistence when the collector starts and before the puller begins working

    • Ensure special characters are properly sent to the platform

    • Added a lock to enhance sender object

    • Added new class attrs to the __setstate__ and __getstate__ queue methods

    • Fix sending attribute value to the __setstate__ and __getstate__ queue methods

    • Added log traces when queues are full and have to wait

    • Added log traces of queues time waiting every minute in debug mode

    • Added method to calculate queue size in bytes

    • Block incoming events in queues when there are no space left

    • Send telemetry events to Devo platform

    • Upgraded internal Python dependency Redis to v4.5.4

    • Upgraded internal Python dependency DevoSDK to v5.1.3

    • Fixed obfuscation not working when messages are sent from templates

    • New method to figure out if a puller thread is stopping

    • Upgraded internal Python dependency DevoSDK to v5.0.6

    • Improved logging on messages/bytes sent to Devo platform

    • Fixed wrong bytes size calculation for queues

    • New functionality to count bytes sent to Devo Platform (shown in console log)

    • Upgraded internal Python dependency DevoSDK to v5.0.4

    • Fixed bug in persistence management process, related to persistence reset

    • Aligned source code typing to be aligned with Python 3.9.x

    • Inject environment property from user config

    • Obfuscation service can be now configured from user config and module definition

    • Obfuscation service can now obfuscate items inside arrays

    • Ensure special characters are properly sent to the platform

    • The resilience has been improved with a new feature that restart the collector when the Devo connections is lost and it cannot be recovered.

    • When an exception is raised by the Collector Setup, the collector retries after 5 seconds. For consecutive exceptions, the waiting time is multiplied by 5 until hits 1800 seconds, which is the maximum waiting time allowed. No maximum retries are applied.

    • When an exception is raised by the Collector Pull method, the collector retries after 5 seconds. For consecutive exceptions, the waiting time is multiplied by 5 until hits 1800 seconds, which is the maximum waiting time allowed. No maximum retries are applied.

    • When an exception is raised by the Collector pre-pull method, the collector retries after 30 seconds. No maximum retries are applied.

    • Changed log level to some messages from info to debug

    • Changed some wrong log messages

    • Upgraded some internal dependencies

    • Changed queue passed to setup instance constructor



Oct 7, 2022


Bug fixes:

  • Force using always UTC timezone for all date time operations.

Recommended version


Jul 21, 2022


New features:

  • Wiz’s new authentication via Cognito is now available. Former authentication using Auth0 is also still compatible.

Recommended version


Jul 1, 2022


New features:

  • Wiz issues
