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Flashpoint collector


Flashpoint delivers actionable intelligence that empowers organization of all sizes to take rapid, decisive actions to protect against threats.

The company's technology, advanced data collections, and human-powered analysis uniquely enable teams to mitigate threats related to cyber security, fraud, insider threats, corporate and physical security, executive protection, and third-party risk.

Devo collector features





Allow parallel downloading (multipod)

not allowed

Running environments

  • collector server

  • on-premise

Populated Devo events

  • table

  • lookups

Flattening preprocessing


Allowed source events obfuscation

Possible but not implemented

Data sources

Data source


API endpoint

Collector service name

Devo table

Available from release


Flashpoint indicators enables access to indicators of compromise (IoCs) and technical data across Flashpoint datasets and those included in Finished Intelligence Reports.


Devo lookup:




Flashpoint Alerts grants access to your alerting data. The three types of data that can be retrieved are alerts, keywords, and keyword classes.




For more information on how the events are parsed, visit our page.

Flattening preprocessing

In order to improve data exploitation and enrichment, this collector applies some flattening actions to the collected data before delivering to Devo.

Data source

Collector service


Flattening details




The indicators are flatten to be compatible with the lookup sender, the indicators dictionary is flatten to one deep level dictionary following this structure:


Vendor setup

Access to must be granted to the collector In order to retrieve the data, the collectors need an API key.

Your API token is available on by clicking on your profile icon on the top right and selecting the Manage API Tokens option from the dropdown. To create a token, click the Generate Token button. Then, use the provided token in the code examples.

If you don't see an option to create the API token, contact the Flashpoint customer success team.

Minimum configuration required for basic pulling

Although this collector supports advanced configuration, the fields required to retrieve data with basic configuration are defined below.

This minimum configuration refers exclusively to those specific parameters of this integration. There are more required parameters related to the generic behavior of the collector. Check setting sections for details.




The API necessary for the collector to pull data.


The dictionary of indicators we want to pull, we need at least one indicator, the name of the dictionary must match the name of the indicator as shown in the official Flashpoint documentation, Example:

"lookups": [ { "domain": { "lookup_key": "<valid_key>", "lookup_status": "New" } } ]


This will be the lookup key, it must be a key from the original dictionary data, take into account that the original data was flatten so any second or deeper keys will have the following structure:



This indicates if the lookup is new (or should be overwritten) or if it will be modified.

  • New → creates or overwrites lookup.

  • Created → modifies lookup.

Accepted authentication methods

Authentication method


API key


Run the collector

Once the data source is configured, you can either send us the required information if you want us to host and manage the collector for you (Cloud collector), or deploy and host the collector in your own machine using a Docker image (On-premise collector).

Collector services detail

This section is intended to explain how to proceed with specific actions for services.

Devo categorization and destination

For the flashpoint_indicator input, if indicators.endpoint_name_1.lookup_name is set then this is the name that the lookup will have, in case it's not set then indicators.lookup_name if set will be used, in case it’s not then the default value will be used Threatintel_Flashpoint_Intelligence_{Type}.

For the flashpoint_alert input, if tag is set then events will be sent there in case it’s not the default value will be used threatintel.flashpoint.intelligence.alerts.


This collector has different security layers that detect both an invalid configuration and abnormal operation. This table will help you detect and resolve the most common errors.

Error type

Error ID

Error message





Please provide the bearer_token_base64 in the inputs.

No bearer_token_base64 in the configuration.

Fill the bearer_token_base64.



Please ensure the bearer token is prepared.

The bearer token is not valid.

Provided a valid bearer token.



Api {error_log}.

Error calling the API.

Follow the API indications in the error log.



Error in fetch_alerts {e}.

Error fetching alerts.

Follow the API indications in the error log.



Error in fetch_indicators {e}.

Error fetching alerts.

Follow the API indications in the error log.



Api {error_log}.

Error calling the API.

Follow the API indications in the error log.

Events service

Setup output

A successful run has the following output messages for the setup module:

WARNING InputProcess::FlashpointIntelligenceIndicatorPuller(flashpoint_indicator,indicators_1234,indicators,predefined,domain) -> Waiting until setup will be executed INFO InputProcess::FlashpointIntelligenceIndicatorPullerSetup(example_collector,flashpoint_indicator#indicators_1234,indicators#predefined,domain) -> Setup for module <FlashpointIntelligenceIndicatorPuller> has been successfully executed WARNING InputProcess::FlashpointIntelligenceAlertPuller(flashpoint_alert,alerts_1234,alerts,predefined) -> Waiting until setup will be executedINFO InputProcess::FlashpointIntelligenceAlertPullerSetup(example_collector,flashpoint_alert#alerts_1234,alerts#predefined) -> Setup for module <FlashpointIntelligenceAlertPuller> has been successfully executed

Puller output

INFO InputProcess::FlashpointIntelligenceIndicatorPuller(flashpoint_indicator,indicators_1234,indicators,predefined,domain) -> FlashpointIntelligenceIndicatorPuller(flashpoint_indicator,indicators_1234,indicators,predefined,domain) Starting the execution of pre_pull() INFO InputProcess::FlashpointIntelligenceIndicatorPuller(flashpoint_indicator,indicators_1234,indicators,predefined,domain) -> Retrieving persisted data INFO InputProcess::FlashpointIntelligenceIndicatorPuller(flashpoint_indicator,indicators_1234,indicators,predefined,domain) -> No persisted data found. The content will be initialized. INFO InputProcess::FlashpointIntelligenceIndicatorPuller(flashpoint_indicator,indicators_1234,indicators,predefined,domain) -> Latest state data in pre-pull: {'initial_start_time': '2023-02-07T00:00:00Z', 'domain': {'from_checkpoint_time': '2023-02-07T00:00:00Z', 'to_checkpoint_time': '2023-02-07T10:16:59Z', 'status': 'New'}} INFO InputProcess::FlashpointIntelligenceIndicatorPuller(flashpoint_indicator,indicators_1234,indicators,predefined,domain) -> PrePull method completed INFO InputProcess::FlashpointIntelligenceIndicatorPuller(flashpoint_indicator,indicators_1234,indicators,predefined,domain) -> Starting data collection every 300 seconds INFO InputProcess::FlashpointIntelligenceAlertPuller(flashpoint_alert,alerts_1234,alerts,predefined) -> FlashpointIntelligenceAlertPuller(flashpoint_alert,alerts_1234,alerts,predefined) Starting the execution of pre_pull() INFO InputProcess::FlashpointIntelligenceAlertPuller(flashpoint_alert,alerts_1234,alerts,predefined) -> Retrieving persisted data INFO InputProcess::FlashpointIntelligenceAlertPuller(flashpoint_alert,alerts_1234,alerts,predefined) -> No persisted data found. The content will be initialized. INFO InputProcess::FlashpointIntelligenceAlertPuller(flashpoint_alert,alerts_1234,alerts,predefined) -> Latest state data in pre-pull: {'initial_start_time': '2023-02-07T00:00:00Z', 'FlashpointIntelligenceAlertPuller': {'from_checkpoint_time': '2023-02-07T00:00:00Z', 'to_checkpoint_time': '2023-02-07T10:16:59Z'}} INFO InputProcess::FlashpointIntelligenceAlertPuller(flashpoint_alert,alerts_1234,alerts,predefined) -> PrePull method completed

After a successful collector’s execution (that is, no error logs found), you will see the following log message:

This collector uses persistent storage to download events in an orderly fashion and avoid duplicates.

The current version 1.0 does not support persistence restart it will be implemented in a future release.

Collector operations

This section is intended to explain how to proceed with specific operations of this collector.


The initialization module is in charge of setup and running the input (pulling logic) and output (delivering logic) services and validating the given configuration.

A successful run has the following output messages for the initializer module:

Events delivery and Devo ingestion

The event delivery module is in charge of receiving the events from the internal queues where all events are injected by the pullers and delivering them using the selected compatible delivery method.

A successful run has the following output messages for the initializer module:

Sender services

The Integrations Factory Collector SDK has 3 different senders services depending on the event type to delivery (internal, standard, and lookup). This collector uses the following Sender Services:

Sender services


Sender services



In charge of delivering internal metrics to Devo such as logging traces or metrics.


In charge of delivering pulled events to Devo.

Sender statistics

Each service displays its own performance statistics that allow checking how many events have been delivered to Devo by type:

Logging trace


Logging trace


Number of available senders: 1

Displays the number of concurrent senders available for the given Sender Service.

sender manager internal queue size: 0

Displays the items available in the internal sender queue.

This value helps detect bottlenecks and needs to increase the performance of data delivery to Devo. This last can be made by increasing the concurrent senders.

Total number of messages sent: 44, messages sent since "2022-06-28 10:39:22.511671+00:00": 21 (elapsed 0.007 seconds)

Displayes the number of events from the last time and following the given example, the following conclusions can be obtained:

  • 44 events were sent to Devo since the collector started.

  • The last checkpoint timestamp was 2022-06-28 10:39:22.511671+00:00.

  • 21 events where sent to Devo between the last UTC checkpoint and now.

  • Those 21 events required 0.007 seconds to be delivered.

By default these traces will be shown every 10 minutes.

To check the memory usage of this collector, look for the following log records in the collector which are displayed every 5 minutes by default, always after running the memory-free process.

  • The used memory is displayed by running processes and the sum of both values will give the total used memory for the collector.

  • The global pressure of the available memory is displayed in the global value.

  • All metrics (Global, RSS, VMS) include the value before freeing and after previous -> after freeing memory

Change log


Released on

Release type




Released on

Release type




Aug 14, 2023


Update DCSDK from 1.6.0 to 1.9.1

  • Store lookup instances into DevoSender to avoid creation of new instances for the same lookup

  • Ensure service_config is a dict into templates

  • Changed log level to some messages from info to debug

  • Changed some wrong log messages

  • Upgraded some internal dependencies

  • Changed queue passed to setup instance constructor

  • Ability to validate collector setup and exit without pulling any data

  • Ability to store in the persistence the messages that couldn't be sent after the collector stopped

  • Ability to send messages from the persistence when the collector starts and before the puller begins working

  • Ensure special characters are properly sent to the platform

  • Added a lock to enhance sender object

  • Added new class attrs to the __setstate__ and __getstate__ queue methods

  • Fix sending attribute value to the __setstate__ and __getstate__ queue methods

  • Added log traces when queues are full and have to wait

  • Added log traces of queues time waiting every minute in debug mode

  • Added method to calculate queue size in bytes

  • Block incoming events in queues when there are no space left

  • Send telemetry events to Devo platform

  • Upgraded internal Python dependency Redis to v4.5.4

  • Upgraded internal Python dependency DevoSDK to v5.1.3

  • Fixed obfuscation not working when messages are sent from templates

  • New method to figure out if a puller thread is stopping

  • Upgraded internal Python dependency DevoSDK to v5.0.6

  • Improved logging on messages/bytes sent to Devo platform

  • Fixed wrong bytes size calculation for queues

  • New functionality to count bytes sent to Devo Platform (shown in console log)

  • Upgraded internal Python dependency DevoSDK to v5.0.4

  • Fixed bug in persistence management process, related to persistence reset

  • Aligned source code typing to be aligned with Python 3.9.x

  • Inject environment property from user config

  • Obfuscation service can be now configured from user config and module definition

  • Obfuscation service can now obfuscate items inside arrays

Recommended version


Jan 30, 2023

new feature

New features:

  • Initial release that includes the following data sources from Flashpoint API:

    • Indicators

    • Alerts
