

This operator is used to take the first non-NULL value among the columns provided.

Operator Usage in Easy Mode

  1. Click + on the parent node.
  2. Enter the wording CoalesceColumns in the search field under What do you want to automate? and select the CoalesceColumns operator from the Results to open the operator form.
  3. In the Input Table drop-down, enter or select the table containing the data to run this operator on.
  4. In the Input Column drop-down, enter or select the input columns that are to have coalesced.
  5. In the Output Column name the respective output column in which the first column of non-NULL value will be populated.
  6. Click Run to view the result.
  7. Click Save to add the operator to the playbook.
  8. Click Cancel to discard the operator form.

Usage Details

LQL command

coalesceColumns(table, inputColumns, outputColumn)

table (TableReference): The input table
inputColumns (ColumnReference[]): List of input columns to be coalesced
outputColumn (String): Output column name



email isEmployee salary designation
Chadwick_Ainsworth9303@supunk.biz true 2986HR
Aeris_Bristow8797@famism.biz false 2986.7910022Banker
null null 3982IT
john@gmail.com true 293782Media

You can extract the values using the below query in LQL node.

LQL Command

coalesceColumns(nodeData2, ["email","isEmployee","salary","designation"], "output")


email isEmployee salary designation output
Chadwick_Ainsworth9303@supunk.biz true 2986 HRChadwick_Ainsworth9303@supunk.biz
Aeris_Bristow8797@famism.biz false 2986.7910022Banker Aeris_Bristow8797@famism.biz
null null 3982IT 3982
john@gmail.com true 293782Media john@gmail.com

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