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Plan retention and ingestion configuration

To update a given plan retention/ingestion config, use the following request:

PUT /plan/{planName}/retention

  "volume": 2.5,
  "retentionUnit": "MONTHS", 
  "retentionValue": 6

In the retentionUnit parameter, allowed values are DAYS, MONTHS, WEEKS and YEARS

GET /plan/{planName}/retention

Retrieves a given plan configuration.

Reseller plan custom roles

There are custom roles that can be configured for a given reseller’s plan. Those roles cannot be managed at the web UI, only through this API or using NASS. On the Devo UI, these roles can be assigned to any domain. This allows the reseller administrator to fix the policies and resources that the users of a domain can access, avoiding to expose some resources that only should be applied to other belonging plan domains. 

You must consider the following:

  • Basic roles Admin and No Privileges are taken from the defaults at the price plan instead of the global ones.

  • The owner of a domain is a role Admin flagged as Owner.

  • Multiple roles apply.

These are the available endpoints for custom plan role management:

POST /plan/{planName}/roles

Creates a new custom role. See the required parameters and more information here.

GET /plan/{planName}/roles

Retrieves all the roles belonging to the specified price plan.

GET /plan/{planName}/roles/{roleName}

Retrieves information about the specified role. Note that this endpoint allows you to use the parameter full=true to receive a more detailed response.

DELETE /plan/{planName}/roles/{roleName}

Deletes the specified role. Note that roles cannot be deleted if they are assigned to one or several users.

PUT /plan/{planName}/roles/{roleName}

Updates a role specification.

Change a domain price plan

PUT /domain/domain/plan

This operation changes the assigned price plan of a given reseller domain. Notice that performing this operation implies changing all roles that belonged to the previous price plan (roles owner by the domain are left untouched). The request needs the following params:

pricePlanThe new price plan name to apply to the domain. This parameter is mandatory.

This parameter is optional and modifies what the API does with the existing roles. Options include:

  • false: (default value) All roles assigned to users in the updated domain will be changed to NO_PRIVILEGES.

  • true: Tries to keep the roles where a role with the same name exists in the new price plan. If there is no matching role, NO_PRIVILEGES will be used.

  • {role_name}: If a specific role name is provided, it will be used instead of NO_PRIVILEGES when a matching role name is not found.

This operation is quite complex and distinguishes between legacy and regular resellers, so a detailed workflow will be included here.

Query domain retention values

GET /domain/{domain}/retention

The following is an example of a response:

  "volume": 2.5,
  "retentionUnit": "MONTHS", 
  "retentionValue": 6

Update retention values

PUT /domain/{domain}/retention

The price plan specific values assigned to a domain can be changed using the following format:

  "volume": 2.5,
  "retentionUnit": "MONTHS", 
  "retentionValue": 6

In the retentionUnit parameter, allowed values are DAYS, MONTHS, WEEKS and YEARS