Fields tab in case configuration
Navigating the fields tab
This area shows all the fields that are available to include in cases for utilization, including the default ones (system fields), and allows you to create new ones and manage existing ones. The system fields cannot be modified but are present on the list for reference or cloning. You can hide them using the toggle next to the search.
You can navigate this area using the controls at the top right or you can use the search at the top left to find a specific field (the list will be filtered as you type, showing those that contain the specified string within their names).
New field
You can define new fields that can be included in cases to provide additional information or context. Simply click on the New field button at the top right to open a dialog where you can insert the details. After clicking Save, the new field will be created and displayed on the list.
Field name: the name you want to use as internal reference.
Display name: the public-facing name for the field, displayed when used both in the case types configuration explained above and in the Cases area.
Description: the intended purpose for the field.
Type: the assigned type will determine the specific features the field will have.
DateTime: a calendar to insert a specific date to mark a significant event.
IP Address: a field to insert an IP address that is relevant for the case.
Number: a field to include an integer number to quantify an aspect of the case.
Select: a dropdown to choose one option from the set specified for the case. You need to click the +Add button below to include an option, and then insert the value in the field that appears.
Multi Select: a dropdown to choose several options from the set specified for the case. You need to click the +Add button below to include an option, and then insert the value in the field that appears.
Multivalued: a free-text field to insert several pieces of information deemed relevant for the case.
Text: a free-text field to insert a piece of information deemed relevant for the case.
Textarea: a free-text field to insert a long text to describe anything related to the case.
Markdown: a free-text field to insert rich text to describe anything related to the case.
JSON: a field to insert a JSON object that might provide support for the case.
URL: a field to insert a URL relevant for the case.
User: a dropdown to select a user to relate the case in a way different than being the assignee.
Associated case types: the case types that can use this additional field.
All: this field will be available in all case types.
Choose: if you choose this option, you need to click the dropdown below and select the case types that will be able to use this field.
Manage fields
You can find different management options in the ellipsis menu to edit, clone, deprecate, or delete a field.
Edit: this option opens the dialog with the settings of the case that were applied when created, allowing you to edit them as needed.
Clone: this option opens a dialog with the same settings applied so that you can modify them before cloning. If you do not modify the names, you will get an error because names must be unique.
Deprecate: this option renders the field unusable but remains there for reference or cloning.
Delete: this option permanently removes the field from the list.
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