Priority tab in case configuration
About the priority tab
This area shows all the priority levels that are available to apply to cases, including the default ones, and allows you to create new ones and manage existing ones. You can use the search at the top left to find a specific one (the list will be filtered as you type, showing those that contain the specified string within their names).
New priority level
You can define new priority levels that can be used in cases to indicate the level or urgency in addressing them. Simply click on the New priority level button at the top right to open a dialog where you can insert Name and Icon. After clicking Save, the new priority level will be created and displayed on the list.
Manage priority levels
You can find management options in the ellipsis menu to edit and delete a priority level.
Edit: this option opens the dialog with the name and icon of the priority level that were applied when created, allowing you to edit them as needed.
Delete: this option permanently removes the priority level from the list.
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