| | | | |
| | File <filename> does not exist. Please, learn how to generate a token pickle on: https://docs.devo.com/confluence/ndt/v7.9.0/sending-data-to-devo/collectors/g-suite-collectors/g-suite-reports-collector
| This error is raised when token.pickle does not exist. | Regenerate the token.json and save it in the file devo-collector-gsuite-google-workspace-reports/credentials/. To know how the token is regenerated, consult the section How to enable the collection in the vendor. |
| Access token object does not exists
| This error is raised when token.pickle does not exist. | Regenerate the token.json and save it in the file devo-collector-gsuite-google-workspace-reports/credentials/. To know how the token is regenerated, consult the section How to enable the collection in the vendor. |
| The access token is not valid but not expired
| This error is raised when the token is invalid | Regenerate the token.json and save it in the file devo-collector-gsuite-google-workspace-reports/credentials/. To know how the token is regenerated, consult the section How to enable the collection in the vendor. |
| Property "refresh_token" does not exists so it is not possible to refresh the access token
| This error is raised when the token cannot be refreshed. The reason may be that it has been deleted. | Regenerate the token.json and save it in the file devo-collector-gsuite-google-workspace-reports/credentials/. To know how the token is regenerated, consult the section How to enable the collection in the vendor. |
| <error_message>
| This error is raised when an HTTP error appears during setup. | The solution depends on the type of error.. Contact the support team. |
| <input_config_key_path> property must be a dictionary
| This error is raised when the required property input_config_key_path is not found in the config file. | Add input_config_key_path to config file, for example: gsuit_alerts: |
| <input_config_credentials_key_path> mandatory property is missing or empty
| This error is raised when the required property credentials is not found in the config file. | Add credentials dictionary in config. |
| <input_config_credentials_key_path> property must be a dictionary
| This error is raised when credentials is defined in the config file but the format is not dict . | Edit the value of credentials in config file, so it is of valid dict format. |
| <input_config_credentials_key_path>.token_pickle_filename" mandatory property is missing or empty
| This error is raised when the required property token_pickle_filename is not found in the config file, into credentials dictionary. | Add token_pickle_filename property in config file, into credentials dictionary. |
| <input_config_credentials_key_path>.token_pickle_filename" property must be a string
| This error is raised when token_pickle_filename is defined in the config file but the format is not str . | Edit the value of token_pickle_filename in config file, so it is of valid str format. |
| <input_config_credentials_key_path>.token_pickle_content_base64" property must be a string
| This error is raised when token_pickle_content_base64 is defined in the config file but the format is not str . | Edit the value of token_pickle_content_base64 in config file, so it is of valid str format. |
| <token_pickle_content_base64>.token_pickle_content_base64"must be in a valid base64 format
| This error is raised when token_pickle_content_base64 is defined in the config file but the format is not base64 string . | Edit the value of token_pickle_content_base64 in config file, so it is of valid base64 string format. |
| | Error loading token pickle file: <exception_message>
| This error is raised when the token is invalid | Regenerate the token.json and save it in the file devo-collector-gsuite-google-workspace-reports/credentials/. To know how the token is regenerated, consult the section How to enable the collection in the vendor. |
| | Unexpected error
| This error is raised when the persistence could not be loaded. | Contact the internal team or restart persistence by changing the start_time parameter in the configuration file. |
| Unexpected status persistence date should always exists at this point
| This error is raised when the persistence could not be loaded. | Contact the internal team or restart persistence by changing the start_time parameter in the configuration file. |
| Unexpected status "event_last_timestamp" key should should always exists at this point
| This error is raised when event_last_timestamp is not in the persistence. | Contact the internal team or restart persistence by changing the start_time parameter in the configuration file. |
| Error processing messages: <error_message>
| This error is raised when messages could not be processed for some unknown reason. | This is an internal issue. Contact the support team. |
| timestamp must be not empty
| This error is raised when timestamp is empty. | This is an internal issue. Contact the support team. |
| "timestamp" must be follow the regex: <GsuiteReportsData.DATE_FORMAT_REGEX>
| This error is raised when the timestamp variable does not match the regex: '\d{4}-(?:0\d|1[0-2])-(?:[0-2]\d|3[0-1])T(?:2[0-3]|[01]\d):[0-5]\d:[0-5]\d\.\d{1,6}Z | This is an internal issue. Contact the support team. |
| "timestamp" must be string or datetime, no other type is supported
| This error is raised when the timestamp variable is not of type string or datetime . | This is an internal issue. Contact the support team. |
| Uncontrolled code flow not expected to have an empty value of "initial_start_time_to_save"
| This error is raised when initial_start_time_to_save is empty. | This is an internal issue. Contact the support team. |
| | Operation timed out: <error message>
| This error is raised when the maximum time to wait for the connection has been exceeded. | Check that the connection is working properly. |
| HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable at moment - Retrying reconnection: <exception message>
| This error is raised when the service is not available. | This is an internal issue. Contact the support team. |
| New connection failed. Retrying new connection: <exception message>
| This error is raised when the connection fails. | Wait until the maximum number of retries is reached, it is trying to automatically reconnect. |
| Retries limit reached: <exception message>
| The connection failed and the maximum number of unsuccessful retries has been reached. | Check that the connection is working properly. |
| DefaultCredentialsError: <error message>
| This error is raised when credentials cannot be automatically determined. | This is an internal issue. Contact the support team. |
| Unable to refresh token or client Auth was deleted. Detail: <error message>
| This error is raised when the token cannot be refreshed. The reason may be that it has been deleted. | Regenerate the token.json and save it in the file devo-collector-gsuite-google-workspace-reports/credentials/. To know how the token is regenerated, consult the section How to enable the collection in the vendor. |
| Operation timed out
| This error is raised when the maximum time to wait for the connection has been exceeded. | Check that the connection is working properly. |
| HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable at moment - Retrying reconnection
| This error is raised when the service is not available. | This is an internal issue. Contact the support team. |
| DefaultCredentials: <error message>
| This error is raised when credentials cannot be automatically determined. | This is an internal issue. Contact the support team. |
| New connection failed. Retrying new connection
| This error is raised when the connection fails. | Wait until the maximum number of retries is reached, it is trying to automatically reconnect. |
| Retries limit reached: <exception message>
| The connection failed and the maximum number of unsuccessful retries has been reached. | Check that the connection is working properly. |
| | <module_properties_key_path> mandatory property is missing or empty
| This error is raised when module_properties property is not found in collector_definitions.yaml | This is an internal issue. Contact the support team. |
| <module_properties_key_path> property must be a dictionary
| This error is raised when module_properties is defined in the collector_definitions.yaml file but the format is not dict . | This is an internal issue. Contact the support team. |
| <module_properties_key_path>.alert_type mandatory property is missing or empty
| This error is raised when application_name property is not found in collector_definitions.yaml | This is an internal issue. Contact the support team. |
| <module_properties_key_path>.application_name" property must be a string
| This error is raised when application_name is defined in the collector_definitions.yaml file but the format is not str . | This is an internal issue. Contact the support team. |
| <module_properties_key_path>.tag_base" mandatory property is missing or empty'
| This error is raised when tag_base property is not found in collector_definitions.yaml | This is an internal issue. Contact the support team. |
| <module_properties_key_path>.tag_base property must be a string
| This error is raised when tag_base is defined in the collector_definitions.yaml file but the format is not str . | This is an internal issue. Contact the support team. |
| <module_properties_key_path>.start_time_regex" mandatory property is missing or empty
| This error is raised when start_time_regex property is not found in collector_definitions.yaml | This is an internal issue. Contact the support team. |
| <module_properties_key_path>.start_time_regex" property must be a string
| This error is raised when start_time_regex is defined in the collector_definitions.yaml file but the format is not str . | This is an internal issue. Contact the support team. |
| <module_properties_key_path>.start_time_regex" property is not a valid regular expression
| This error is raised when start_time_regex is defined in the collector_definitions.yaml file but is not a valid regular expresion. | This is an internal issue. Contact the support team. |
| <module_properties_key_path>.max_request_period_in_seconds" mandatory property is missing or empty
| This error is raised when max_request_period_in_seconds property is not found in collector_definitions.yaml | This is an internal issue. Contact the support team. |
| <module_properties_key_path>.max_request_period_in_seconds" property must be a string
| This error is raised when max_request_period_in_seconds is defined in the collector_definitions.yaml file but the format is not str . | This is an internal issue. Contact the support team. |
| <module_properties_key_path>.max_request_period_in_seconds" property must be greater or equal to 60
| This error is raised when max_request_period_in_seconds is defined in the collector_definitions.yaml file but the value is not greater or equal to 60 . | This is an internal issue. Contact the support team. |
| <module_properties_key_path>.max_lag_time_in_minutes" mandatory property is missing or empty
| This error is raised when max_lag_time_in_minutes property is not found in collector_definitions.yaml | This is an internal issue. Contact the support team. |
| <module_properties_key_path>.max_lag_time_in_minutes" property must be an integer
| This error is raised when max_lag_time_in_minutes is defined in the collector_definitions.yaml file but the format is not integer . | This is an internal issue. Contact the support team. |
| <module_properties_key_path>.max_lag_time_in_minutes" property must be between 0 and 72
| This error is raised when max_lag_time_in_minutes is defined in the collector_definitions.yaml file but the value is not in the range [0-72] | This is an internal issue. Contact the support team. |
| <service_config_key_path>.max_request_period_in_seconds" property must be a string
| This error is raised when optional value max_request_period_in_seconds is defined in the config file but is not in the str format. | Edit the value of max_request_period_in_seconds in the configuration file so it is of valid str format. |
| <service_config_key_path>.max_request_period_in_seconds" 'f'property must be between 60 and 3600 seconds
| This error is raised when optional value max_request_period_in_seconds is defined in the config file but is not in the range [60-3600]. | Edit the value of max_request_period_in_seconds in the configuration file so it is between 60 and 3600 |
| <service_config_key_path>.max_lag_time_in_minutes" property must be an integer
| This error is raised when optional value max_lag_time_in_minutes is defined in the config file but is not in the str format. | Edit the value of max_lag_time_in_minutes in the configuration file so it is of valid int format. |
| <max_lag_time_in_minutes>.max_lag_time_in_minutes" property must be between 0 and 72
| This error is raised when optional value max_lag_time_in_minutes is defined in the config file but is not in the range [0-72]. | Edit the value of max_lag_time_in_minutes in the configuration file so it is between 0 and 72 |
| | <service_config_key_path> mandatory property is missing or empty
| This error is raised when the required property input_config_key_path is not found in the config file. | Add input_config_key_path to config file, for example: gsuit_alerts: |
| <service_config_key_path> property must be a dictionary
| This error is raised when service_config_key_path is defined in the config file but the format is not dict . | Edit the value of service_config_key_path in config file, so it is of valid dict format. |
| <service_config_key_path>.start_time property must be a string
| This error is raised when start_time is defined in the config file but the format is not str . | Edit the value of start_time in config file, so it is of valid str format. |
| <service_config_key_path>.start_time property value should fulfil the regex: <start_time_regex>
| This error is raised when start_time is defined in the config file but It does not comply with the following regex: \d{4}-(?:0\d|1[0-2])-(?:[0-2]\d|3[0-1])T(?:2[0-3]|[01]\d):[0-5]\d:[0-5]\d\.\d{1,3}Z . | Edit the value of start_time in config file, so that it complies with the regex: \d{4}-(?:0\d|1[0-2])-(?:[0-2]\d|3[0-1])T(?:2[0-3]|[01]\d):[0-5]\d:[0-5]\d\.\d{1,3}Z . |
| <service_config_key_path>.tag property must be a string
| This error is raised when tag is defined in the config file but the format is not str . | Edit the value of tag in config file, so it is of valid str format. |