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HTTP-JSON delivery methods

Define the delivery method

HTTP-JSON type delivery methods send alerts to any server configured to receive JSON objects. Alerts are encapsulated as a JSON object and sent using the POST request method over HTTP or HTTPS. If the destination server uses Digest access authentication, you can identify the user and password required for authentication.

POST / HTTP/1.1 content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Content-Length: 1713 Host: ---REDACTED--- User-Agent: Apache-HttpClient/4.5.2 (Java/1.8.0_265) Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate X-Forwarded-For: json={"id":"12186158","domain":"dsteam","priority":"3.0","context":"my.alert.dsteam.URLTest","srcIp":"","dstIp":"","srcPort":"","dstPort":"","category":"my.context","protocol":"","username":"","application":"","status":"0","creation_date":"Fri Oct 09 14:03:42 UTC 2020","ack_status_date":null,"digest":"aa37132f054c4d8d9dec06f44c9deda31bae5c33","scaled":"false","srcHost":"","dstHost":"","extraData":"{\"referer\":\"null\",\"country\":\"US\",\"city\":\"Waltham\",\"responseLength\":\"null\",\"isp\":\"Verizon+Fios\",\"errorInfo\":\"error\",\"sessionid\":\"NzgzZS3hFdtk6feKZ5FzqpaoRPcI%2FDCembLHLyFDkfM%3D%24d6%2FX5pWDT6W%2BRBoU0nrMOzBBVrDRhYX5%2FNse9IpMV9s%3D\",\"srcPort\":\"37720\",\"serverPort\":\"8080\",\"type\":\"response\",\"locale\":\"en-US\",\"userid\":\"e3e314a1-84a2-4e4a-a2f8-a5db5c9ef975\",\"resourceInfo\":\"null\",\"result\":\"Not+Found\",\"correlationId\":\"15b64b62d0e2\",\"headers\":\"x-devo-cid\",\"method\":\"GET\",\"level\":\"INFO\",\"org\":\"Verizon+Fios\",\"srcHost\":\"\",\"responseTime\":\"0\",\"userAgent\":\"Mozilla%2F5.0+%28Macintosh%3B+Intel+Mac+OS+X+10_14_0%29+AppleWebKit%2F537.36+%28KHTML%2C+like+Gecko%29+Chrome%2F85.0.4183.102+Safari%2F537.36\",\"params\":\"null\",\"eventdate\":\"2020-10-09+14%3A03%3A37.152\",\"serverHost\":\"\",\"url\":\"\",\"domain\":\"dsteam\",\"contentLength\":\"null\",\"region\":\"MA\",\"username\":\"\"}","engine":"pil01-pro-custom-us-aws","textMessage":"{"fired":}","shortMessage":"Jacob Test Alert","alertname":"URLTest","categoryname":"My Alerts","subcategoryname":"JBTest Subcategory"}


You can find below the information required on the New Delivery Method window for this delivery method (for the creation process visit Manage delivery methods).


A unique name that identifies this specific delivery method. 


This is the time zone that will be used to calculate when alerts can be sent. This will be applied to the schedule defined in any sending policy that uses this delivery method.


The URL of the server to which the alerts should be sent.


The language in which to send the alert content. 


Content-Type is an HTTP header that is used to indicate the media type of the resource. Choose the required header:

  • application/JSON - This is the default option.

  • application/x-www-form-urlencoded (legacy) - This is the old header used for requests.

Choose the desired authentication method

Choose one of the available authentication options:

  • None - Choose this option if you don't need any authentication method. This is the default option.

  • Authenticate with the server - Simple user-password authentication. 

  • Bearer token authentication - Use a bearer token to authenticate your user. Enter it in the field that appears when selecting this option.

Add headers

You may add specific headers to the JSON objects using this delivery method.

To do it, check the Add headers box at the bottom of the window. Enter the required header names and values and click the Add button to include them in the delivery method. The list will all the headers added will appear below.

Reserved header names

Note that Content-Type, Content-Lenght, Accept, Authorization and Host are reserved headers and cannot be used as names.

Activate the delivery method

The new method is saved in Pending status.

An HTTP test message with a code is sent to the URL specified in the delivery method. This activation code must be validated on the server side before the delivery method can be used. Click pending activation under the status column, paste the validation code into the Activation Code window and click Apply.

You can now associate this new delivery method with sending policies to start receiving alerts through this method.


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