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Availability timeline


This chart displays availability over time. It is commonly used to show equipment availability over time, but it can also be used to show other types of information, such as system load or memory usage.

What data do I need for this widget?

The option to create this chart will be disabled unless your query contains at least two columns, one of them with numeric values. Furthermore, it is advisable to group your data and aggregate it in order to show meaningful content on the diagram.

Creating an availability timeline

Working with availability timelines

Hover over a segment to see its status icon, extended time range description and value.

Query example

You can recreate the example shown in the picture above with the data from the following query and mapping the fields as follows:

from siem.logtrust.web.activity group every 15m by city every 15m select count() as count

Required field

Column added

Required field

Column added



